KEEP Grand Awards

To order KEEP eligible applicants should follow this process:
- Place items you wish to order in your cart.
- To generate a quote, review your cart and click on the KEEP Request A Quote button.
- Send KEEP your quote for acceptance.
- Note: All orders will include a $7.50 Handling Fee.
- Contact I Create Art Box with any questions.
Shop KEEP Grant Awards products here.
- Review your quote for any errors.
- Add items to your cart before submitting.
- Complete all requested fields.
- Don't forget to include Student Award number.
- All orders will include a $7.50 Handling Fee.
- After quote submission, an email is sent to you with your quote. Send your quote to KEEP for approval. (Check SPAM folder if you don't receive email).
- KEEP will notify you if the quote is approved or declined.
- If approved orders are shipped complete and do not back order items. We will notify you of available substitutions or order delay time.
Please note: We are not responsible for any errors and any re-shipments are at your cost. (Unless if our error). Make sure all your address and shipping information is correct and review all emails sent to you for accuracy. Check your SPAM folder if you do not see any emails.
Helpful Hints and Links For Parents:
How Do I Submit A Claim To KEEP?
Link to help Parents/Guardians to find Award ID:
Friendly Reminder for Parents/Guardians to Submit a Claim in the KEEP Claims App:
Remember, when you're ready to submit a claim for approval, head to the KEEP app and click Login with Merit. (You can also view the full instructional video here).
The order request will not be approved until a claim has been submitted to KEEP. We recommend that you submit a claim the same day you make the order request. Additional help center articles can be found here.
Contact I Create Art Box with any questions.